
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quick Tip Tuesday

So I am sitting here this morning on the computer sorting through my day and what is on the agenda aside from getting the girls off to school, facilitating our morning playgroup, taking my oldest dd to the dentist later this morning, getting ds ready for the day when I realize . . . IT'S TUESDAY!!! Which means it is my turn to provide you with some tips an excitement using your cricut, cuttlebug and all your other scrapping goodies! OH NO!! Not only am I late with my post, I don't have anything to share because I didn't do my homework!~

So with huge apologies I am asking for your help today . . . I would love it if all our devoted and wonderful followers could leave me a comment on todays post to tell me how you keep organized in your everyday life. How do you keep your appointments straight and all your daily tasks on track?

For everyone who leaves a comment with a daily organizational tip I will enter your name in a random draw for a RAK of scrappiness from me personally! I have some super yummy Imaginisce goodies I would love to share ;o)

Can't wait to hear from you!

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  1. I use a calendar on the wall to write down things that are very important. I also keep a small calendar in my purse to jot down notes and appointments.

  2. Honestly, there is no being completely organized for me with papercrafting. I attempt it though! Pegboard is my biggest organizing tool. I hang my ribbons on rods, my Cricut mats, and just about anything else that has a hole to hang it with, lol. Also, rubbermaid drawers and boxes, and a big ole bookshelf!

  3. One of the things I use in my work to help keep me organized are Highlighters about 5 to 6 different colors, I use them to color code items in lists, Works great for me
    Pam Custer

  4. Hi, I organize my daily tasks on my work computer calendar because that;s where I am most of the time.
    My craft organization is in a constant state of change. I clean it up and it is a mess in no time. Since I have only been doing this for 1-2 years, I have to re-organize frequently because I am adding to the tools and stuff I need. :) KimCreate

  5. To keep appointments I put them on my calender and a reminder on my cell phone. To keep organized in my scraproom, I use a lot of labeled drawers,,,,,,and shelves. OMG it is a never ending battle because the more I buy the more disorganized I get. lol

  6. For my family I keep organized with a calendar on the fridge. I always buy the "family calendars" with large squares and try and write everything down.

    To keep paper crafting organized, I write down lists of what I should be working on and check them off as I go.

  7. I just got a new cell phone and am loving the calendar function in there, it reminds me about 15 minutes before the set time when I need to be somewhere or do something... I LOVE IT!

  8. To help us keep organized, we use a large fridge calendar, and the appts are also stored in my cell, so it lets me know.

    In my scrap corner, which can get very messy.... I have a large hanging file folder on wheels,(Ikea) which I keep under my table.... I have two sections for paper and cardstock. so when I have scraps, I can file it according to color, & when I need something I just roll it out and check there first... saves using a new paper every time. Keeps my table top a bit cleaner too by making a habit of filing regularly!

    Great Blog, I became a follower
    Thanks MaureenH

  9. I have this plastic basket that I throw most everything into as I work. My goal is to leave my desktop neat, so I toss tools, adhesive, scraps, everything in there as I use it. It serves a few purposes: I always know where something is on my desktop (in the basket); if I don't finish my project, my desktop is fairly clutter free when I leave; my glue, scissors and x-acto knife are always out of little hands' reach.

  10. A paper calendar is all that works for me. I keep a date book which I look at every Sunday and then write a one week calendar that I keep on the fridge. I keep all our appointments on that weekly view as well as the meals for the week, and everyone has easy access to it.

  11. I use a calendar on the fridge with a dry erase board also....
    That is about as organized as I get...LOL

  12. Oh haha.....oops. My last comment shows what I was thinking of!! I forgot to mention how I stay organized OUTSIDE my scrap room! LOL!! I honestly rely on my hubby or friends to remind me, and I always make sure to never make plans too far out, that way I won't forget in the time between. I leave myself notes on the calendar and occasionally will key in a date on my phone calendar.....yeah, I'm not that organized I guess, lol.

  13. Organized? There are people out there that are organized? Oh No! How did I not know that. LOL the more I clean up the further behind I get.
    I know my work schedule by heart, keep a little calender in my purse and any time I make an appt, I write it there. Don't even take the appt. cards. They just end up lining the bottom of my purse. Luckily my kids are out of the house and on their own. They have to keep track of themselves!
    Great blog with some wonderful tricks. I am a follower now.

  14. I have a calendar in my purse for the things that I need to know. For everyone else in the family I keep a dry erase calendar on the fridge. Each family member has a different color marker and we use black for all family items. I even write down the menu plan. That way if I'm not around ANYONE (hint hint, my husband) can figure out what needs done.

  15. I use a calender that I keep in my purse.

    I like to travel a lot, as each trip becomes definite I make a separate folder for each one with all info and take that folder with me on the trip.

  16. I use my cell phone too - I use the calendar for events and to do's. For my scrap space I have to treat it like I do cooking/baking - clean as I go :0)

  17. I have a planner that I take with me every where and I used colors to help me!

    My scrap room is ..... I'm working on it.

  18. As a single parent, I could not function without my BlackBerry. I'm able to put EVERYTHING in there on a calendar AND "memo pad" which allows me to organize lists like groceries, gifts, craft materials, etc.

    To keep my craft closet clean, I absolutely, positively could NOT live without my label maker. I label EVERYTHING.

  19. I use my Franklin planner for daily schedules and have sections for projects I want to do, important family info., meal planning, basically everything...

  20. First I have to let you know I just found your blog (LOVE IT)!!!! I am a little OCD; my craft room has a drawer for everything. As far as my family goes, I have a calendar that my Dad makes for my family for Christmas (has family photos as well as b-days). I write everything on this calendar. For chores I made a weekly checklist (clean house clean mind). You can see it on my blog ( I hope this helps!!!!

  21. We keep a calendar by the phone in the kitchen (command central. We note appts, etc here. I check it each evening to see what's coming up for the next day. Also, I'm one of those "organized" freaks, so it comes pretty easy to me.

  22. We keep "Mom's book" on the family desk. If it's not in the book, it's not going to happen. :-) Every activity, party, birthday, doctor/dentist appt., school event and sports event is entered in my calendar. With 4 kids under the age of 10, it's the only thing that keeps me sane!

  23. Couldn't live without my iPod touch, sticky notes and my laptop!!

  24. A calendar on the kitchen fridge - a big one - so everyone in the family can see it and I carry one with me all the time. I subcontract so I'm never in the same place everyday. The scraproom - I',m making progress. Bought two used kitchen cabinets and I'm filling them up.


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