
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quick Tip Tuesday

Well it is Tuesday yet again . . . but in addition to providing you with a quick tip I also get the pleasure of annoucing a winner for all the fantabulous comments our followers left on organization. Some of them I will definately be taking into concideration for my own personal organizational needs. So Thank you to everyone who commented.

With out further delay . . . chooses . . . True Random Number Generator Result: 13, which brings us to:

Gale Varland said...
Organized? There are people out there that are organized? Oh No! How did I not know that. LOL the more I clean up the further behind I get. I know my work schedule by heart, keep a little calender in my purse and any time I make an appt, I write it there. Don't even take the appt. cards. They just end up lining the bottom of my purse. Luckily my kids are out of the house and on their own. They have to keep track of themselves!Great blog with some wonderful tricks. I am a follower now.
May 4, 2010 3:39 PM

Congratulations Gale!

Here is a peek at your Imaginisce goodies from the Sweet Cheri Collection.
Please email me at with your mailing address.

Now onto todays quick tip, I came across this neat little cheat sheet that shows you what blade housing and settings to use for specific consumables that I thought I would share. I know this will definatly come in handy for me! Check it out by clicking on the image to make it larger.

Hope you find this sheet helpful in your crafting with the Cricut! Thanks for stopping in today ladies and I hope to hear from you with more fantabulous tips to share with our followers!

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  1. Congrats Gale!

    And thanks so much for this chart. I never know what works for what and I hate risking the chance when I experiment. This is going up on my craft room wall. Thanks again!

  2. Wow I need this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for this sheet...I'm breaking out the Cricut for the first time to work on the Cricut Crawl...this might come in very handy.



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