
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quick Tip Tuesday

The weather is finally starting to warm up and summer is most defiantly in the air. I cannot wait for swimming, sprinklers and all that fun stuff summer brings! How about you?

Spending all this time outdoors has left me with little time for the computer or scrapping but I did manage to find a fun little tid bit to share with you all today, but please remember if you come across a tip through your blog hopping or straight out of your own scrap space please do not hesitate to email me the help in finding tips to share is always appreciated!!!

Ok now did you know you can create your own cuttlebug embossing templates with you cricut? How cool is that? Here are a few simple instrustions . . .

Take what ever cut you wish to turn into an embossing template and cut it into a piece of chipboard. You can use any shape and size just be sure that the chipboard is the appropriate size to fit in your cuttlebug. You can repeat one shape over and over on the chipboard to create a pattern or use a single image. Once you have cut your desired shapes sandwich the chipboard with your cardstock and the appropriate cuttlebug plates. Once you run it through your machine you should see a perfect embossed image. The thicker your chipboard the deeper the embossing.

Go on give it a try!

Happy Scrapping

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  1. Wow! I can see endless possibilities with this. Thanks for the tip!

  2. this is totally ingenious!!!!!!
    I love my cricut!!!!!

  3. Thanks for the reminder...i have yet to try this...maybe you guys should have this as a challenge sometime...hint, hint

  4. What an wonderful idea....i will have to have a go at this one. Neat!!!!

  5. This is an AWESOME idea!! I would have never thought of that. I'm going to give it a try ASAP!! Thanks for your inspiration. I don't always have the time to leave a comment, but I do read your posts every Tuesday!!

  6. Pure genius! How did you come up with the idea?!

    Thanks again for the inspiration! :)


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