
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Scrappin' Saturday: Creating Custom Mini Albums

Welcome to Scrappin' Saturday here at FCCB!

Today I want to share a video I found on YouTube by LiveLoveScrap that shows how to make the custom shaped mini albums using your Cricut. I've highlighted this technique before (HERE), but I LOVE how her video shows you exactly what to do, including using the "Flip" feature to cover the backs of each of your album pages...

You can use this technique to make any shape of album you want...look through your cartridge stash, pick a new shape you've never used before and challenge yourself to make a shaped mini album using that cut. I dare you! :)
If you make a mini album with your Cricut, please link it up in the comments section below for all of us to see!
Happy Scrappin'!
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  1. This is totally cool. I have the cricut expression and clearly a NEWBIE. So, how do I "flip" the image on my machine as she did on her cricut create? Need easy steps. I would love to make a little mini-album. Oh, and where would I find the "thin" chipboard to use? Many thanks for sharing such cool ideas! Kelly

  2. I love making mini albums and word albums with my cricut.. Oh, the options are limitless..
    Here is a link to what I had made my cousin for her 40th birthday, it was the hit of the party..

  3. Oh, this looks like fun. I was just looking at a book of "re-purposing" things that would dovetail nicely into this project!

  4. I made one a long time ago using the cupcake shape. Here is my mini album


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