
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Quick Tip Tuesday: Repurposing Household Items!

Welcome to another "Quick Tip Tuesday" here at FCCB!

Today, I want to share with you a very helpful thread on the Cricut Message Board, on the topic of using/repurposing household items to use in your scrapbooking!

Here's the link:

Some of the highlights?

1. Use a rolling pin to help stick paper to less-sticky mats.

2. Use an old mouse pad for paper piercing to protect your work surface.

3. Secure baby wipes to old mats with eyelets to use as stamp cleaners.

4. Use nail files for distressing papers.

5. Use dental floss threaders to pull ribbon through holes.

6. Use a Silpat sheet (made for cooking) for embossing to protect work surface.

7. Use photo protectors to store clear, acrylic stamps.

8. Use an old electric skillet for melting UTEE.

9. Use over the door shoe organizers for storing punches and other supplies.

10. Use zip ties to bind mini albums.

These are just a few of the HUNDREDS of ideas posted there by super-creative and resourceful Cricut users. Go check it out for yourself!

Happy crafting!!!

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  1. Some great ideas here. Gonna go check it out. I love the one for cleaning and storing acrylic stamps. Mine are just piled up at the moment.

  2. What fantastic tips! I love the idea of a shoe organizer for punches. I'm going to have to look into that for sure!

  3. Thank you for the great tips! the rolling pin is something to think about!
    Kim H


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