
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quick Tip Tuesday: Keypad Overlay

Welcome to the first Quick Tip Tuesday of 2011!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Today's tip is for those of you who might be new to the world of cutting with the Cricut: With your machine, you should have received at least one cartridge.  Each cartridge comes with its own unique keypad overlay.  However, there are some standard keys which are ALWAYS in the same place, regardless of which cartridge you are using.  These keys are the four grey buttons on the bottom left of the overlay (Paper Saver, Real Dial Size, Shift, and Shift Lock) as well as all ten grey buttons on the right side of the overlay (Space, Back Space, Clear Display, Reset All, Repeat Last, Sound On/Off, Load Last, Set Paper Size, Load Paper, and Unload Paper).

If you are using Design Studio or a Gypsy, you might not choose to use the keypad overlay BUT you will always need to know exactly where the load and unload keys are.More information on where the important buttons on your keypad overlay are found within each cartridge handbook.  The page looks like this:
Happy Crafting!
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  1. I was thinking while I read your tip of how far I have come since I got my cricut just a year ago. I remember toiling over the machine and taking forever to figure each selection to make. Now the overlay's never come out of the box. I use design studio with everything I cut and I can reach back and hit the keys to load, unload etc. with out even looking. So my words of wisdom are it may be intimidating now but it is very easy to learn. Thanks for your on going help.

  2. Great Blog!!!

    I am doing a cricut cart giveaway. Please feel free to check out my blog for details:)

  3. I have recently discovered your blog. Thank you for all your help. I just received my expression from Santa. I'm still intimidated but now I'm less afraid.


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