
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quick Tip Tuesday: Card and Envelope Sizes

Woohoo! It's Tuesday - are you ready for another Quick Tip? I'm Larelyn and I'll be your hostess for the next few months.
Do you have those moments when you read someone's blog, a craft magazine, or view a video and you think, "Why didn't I think of that?" I love it when I come across ideas that make crafting or organizing a little simpler. I plan to share some of things that have made my crafting life easier and more organized.

Today I'll share a chart I made that references card and envelope sizes. I usually stick with cards that fit the standard invitation-sized envelope (A2), but there are times when I find a great deal on other size envelopes or I just want a larger or smaller card. Some envelopes are listed by the letter (A2, A6, etc.) and others by the dimensions. The trick is to figure out what size card fits each envelope.

This chart provides you with the finished card size, the paper size you need before folding, where to fold (including GATEFOLD cards), and the envelope size and dimensions. If you have the Martha Stewart Score Board, this information can be found on the chart that fits in the bone folder section. However, that chart is way too small for my old eyes and I have to tilt the Score Board to even read it. So, I hope you find this chart a little handier. Just click on the chart to make it larger.

I hope you'll join me next Tuesday for another Quick Tip.
Hugs and Happy Crafting,
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  1. Awesome resource. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  2. Thank you SO much for this chart! I've been needing this info because figuring it out on the fly makes my head swim. :) I really appreciate it!

  3. Great tip, Larelyn! Thanks for sharing! I've saved your photo for quick reference!!

  4. This is a VERY useful tip! Thanks so much for posting this!

  5. Thanks! This is VERY useful. Love it!

  6. Yikes .. I love it .. I need it .. thank you.

  7. LOVE this chart! Thanks for sharing this awesome tip!

  8. Larelyn, thanks for sharing this great chart! Very useful information!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  10. Thanks for sharing this chart! I own the MS scoring board and have NEVER paid the slightest bit of attention to this useful chart. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  11. Your tip sounds excellent! I am still unsure if we want to have some odd size envelopes then will these measurements work? I think rest is fine!

  12. there are C5, C6 and DL envelopes to suit your needs. You can find an envelope to keep your document intact with A5 or A4 Envelopes

  13. Thank you so much for this chart!

  14. Great blog!!! I can confirm that this C4/A4 envelopes can take an A4 sheet without folding.


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