
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quick Tip Tuesday: Binders

Happy Tuesday Everyone.  I'm so glad you decided to join me for another Quick Tip.

Today I'm sharing all the ways I use binders to help me organize my crafts.
First, I use binders to store my clear stamps. I just slip the stamps into page protectors.  I have a 3" binder that holds my general use stamps and then 5 smaller ones. I separate the stamps by holidays, character stamps (e.g Tilda), sentiments, and stamps I use for coloring.  I know there are fancier ways to store them, but I had lots of binders and page protectors from my years of teaching and presenting workshops and, as you learned last week, I'd rather use what I have and spend my money on the creative stuff.

I also use a binder to store my Nestabilities.  I just place a magnetic strip on pieces of cardboard and then slip the Nesties into sectioned page protectors.  And, I keep the directions, rubber mat, and any "sandwich" recipes I use in the binder.

My favorite binder is the one in which I keep the preview pages from so that I can store the images from my 100+ cartridges in one place.  Granted, I can't see what's on the feature buttons, but usually just seeing the images prompts me to use the Gypsy or pull out the handbook.  I sometimes write the feature keys at the bottom of the page and write the words below the image if they're available on a cartridge.

I have another binder with days-of-the-week dividers I've written the blog addresses of some of my favorite challenges on a page behind the tab for the day on which the challenge is posted.  Then, I write the challenge or draw the sketch on papers following the tabs.  That way, I keep my challenges organized and also have a nice sketch reference.

And finally, my last binder is full of notes, how-to's, directions, phone numbers, and problem-solving for my machines, etc.
Here are pictures of 3 of my binder ideas.

I've chosen to use binders because I have limited space and binders fit nicely on shelves.
Thanks for dropping by.  See you next Tuesday.

Hugs and Happy Crafting,
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  1. I do the same thing so easy to find what you need. Keeps everything so handy.


  2. Oh my gosh I want your Cricut binder! How do I make that. My eye just can't take all the small cuts I am looking at in the little books and on my Gypsy. That is a wonderful idea. So if I go to I will be able to print something?
    Thanks for the wonderful ideas.

  3. this is amazing storage, but as a new scrapper could you show us more pics?

  4. Larelyn,
    This is a fabulous idea!! I already store my clear stamps in pretty Anna Griffin binders, don't own and nesties, but this is a great solution!! I love the idea of having a binder with the cartridge previews and for challenges!! I have been looking for an idea to keep track of them!!

  5. Great ideas! I use binders to store my flat embellishments too...sticker and bling and metal sheets.

    I love your idea about having one for challenges!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  6. I love your clear stamps in binder.

  7. I think this is agreat idea. I am really running out of room also. What do you do with your cartridges, booklets and the overlays? Thank you so much.

  8. The clear stamp idea is amazing i have all these stamps and always tried to figure out what to do with them, I also love the ribbon idea. I love these storage ideas there great. Thanks so much for sharing!


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