
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fantabulous Friday - Harvest Blessings

Good Morning, Everyone. Welcome to Fantabulous Friday, this Friday before Thanksgiving. I have had all kinds of thoughts running through my head of what we will serve for our Thanksgiving meal. We will have our usual, Turkey and Dressing, along with lots of other tasty morsels. In the South we have dressing. For all you other folks, I know you have stuffing. My family would disown me if we didn't have dressing. It is really good, if I do say so myself.

Our theme this week, as you know, is Harvest Blessings. In our thoughts of food preparation, let us not forget to pause and give Thanks for all our bountiful blessings. Even though, the economy is hurting and we may be struggling, we can all find a reason to be thankful.

I found several projects I would like to share with you with the theme of Thanks Giving. The first is by Michelle at Crafty-Shell. Michelle used the Wild Card cartridge for part of her card.
Next is a card by Caroline Scranton from the Cricut Message Board. She used the Imagine Cartridge, Enjoy The Seasons, to create her card she calls Every Day Is A Gift.

And last but not least, how about this adorable little card by Camille Robinson. She combined an older cartridge, Animal Kingdom, and one of the newest cartridges, Ribbons and Rosettes, to make this little guy.

Thank you ladies, for sharing your talent with all of us. May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family. God Bless You.

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  1. Great projects! Hard to believe in less than a week we will be eating turkey!

  2. so true its been a ruff year but lots to be thanksful for. Love the other ladies cards. So Pretty!

  3. I cannot believe Thanksgiving is almost here. These are great projects Peggy, thank you.

  4. Wonderful projects! Each one is so special! Thank you for sharing this talent!

  5. Awsome cards and so festive for Thanksgivine! Can't believe it's almost here...aaw, time goes too fast!
    Sherrie K

  6. OMG, I have made sooo many cards with the turkey from Animal Kindom (like Camille), but not once did I think to make the turkey feathers into a rosette! What a clever idea! I also just got the Imagine - Enjoy the Seasons cartridge that Caroline used. Isn't it great? All the ladies did lovely work. Thanks, Peggy, for your Fantabulous post!!!

    XO ~ Amy Jo


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