
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Scrappin' Saturday - Ribbon in Holiday Layouts

Happy Scrappin' Saturday, folks! Since this week's theme is Rolling in Ribbon, I thought we should roll out the ribbon for our scrapbook layouts. I looked through my son's albums and saw -- perhaps since he's a boy -- that my layouts rarely feature ribbon. Do yours? I scoured the web for some interesting ideas on how to incorporate ribbon into our holiday pages.

Even though these layouts don't include Cricut cuts, I think they have some fabulous ideas. Check out these three inspiring pages:

Jean used ribbon as her Christmas tree's garland in this holiday layout. I love how the buttons and ribbon give the page so much texture and interest! This look could easily be adapted to the many Christmas tree cuts found our favorite Cricut cartridges -- just adhere buttons where the ornament cuts should be and wind the ribbon around!

Okay, my mom is a Debbie Mumm fan, so I just had to show this layout! Debbie used double-sided ribbon to "wrap" her page like a present. The overturned corners give the effect of "peeking" into the box. What a way to showcase that one special photo of the season! I love double-sided ribbon and will definitely be looking for some during after-Christmas clearance sales.

Susan used various ribbon widths and prints for the background of her Hanukkah page. I love this idea for those times when you just can't find the perfect patterned paper for your vision. And even though her ribbon has polka dots and is scalloped, the layout is still so modern when paired with bold, solid elements.

Have you used ribbon in your scrapbook layouts? If so, please share in the comments section. I'd love to come take a peek!

Also, I hope you've enjoyed our last Scrappin' Saturday of 2011. May you and yours have a very blessed holiday and happy new year!

Have a happy, scrappy weekend,

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  1. Here's an LO I made using some ribbon strips. This LO actually won me the Guest Designer spot for December at the Sketchy Thursdays Challenge blog. :)


  2. Cute projects you found. LOve the tree in the first one especially.


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