
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Scrappin' Saturday - Buttons & Bows...Bows & Buttons

Happy Scrappin’ Saturday Everyone!!  Have you ever looked at a project thinking it need something to make it complete?  Had a project that looked simple but you wanted to dress it up?  Or had a great spool of ribbon that you knew you wanted to incorporate onto a project? 
#106 – Buttons and Bows - Make a project with at least one button and bow on it. 
One of the first blogs I started following when I came into the 'blog world' was Missy's over at Quick Chick Designs.  When I need some inspiration on a project, Missy's blog is one that I frequently visit.  Aftering seeing & reading her great creations....I am ready to sit down and start scrappin'. 
When I saw this weeks challenge, I knew exactly what my Saturday post was going to was going to showcase several of Missy's projects, as she truly is the Queen of using Buttons & Bows on her cute & adorable projects!! 
If you haven't been by Missy's really should go by, take a look at her cute creations & leave her a comment to let her know I sent you by!  You will really love her projects!!! :)
What kind of projects have you used both a button & bow on?  Leave me a note with your blog address so I can stop by to see your great creations!  Hope you have a great Fantabulous weekend & are able to find some time to do some Scrappin’ this Saturday!   Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. you made a great choice! Her cards really do showcase the buttons and bows very well!

  2. I follow her too. She always provides lots of inspiration!

    Thanks for all the inspiration,

    Cindy :)

  3. Completely inspired today....I also love buttons and bows. Stop by my site and check out my Rockin' Robin Blog hop post has some of both! TFS Cathie

  4. I am follower of Missy's too. I love her work and she is such a sweet person too.


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