
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday Tutorial with FCCB- TBBM2 with Scoring Tool

Holly here with another Thursday Tutorial.    This week I'm sharing a video tutorial, actually 2 video's from Kimberly over at   My Craft Spot.  

You guys know Kimberly and if you don't you really need to!  She's always making great projects and tutorials.  I wanted to share a recent video she posted using Tags, Bag, Boxes and More 2. 

When TBBM2 first came out, I quickly jumped on the Cricut Bandwagon to purchase it.  I then came to find out that it would of been alot more helpful if  I would of purchased the scoring blade along with the cartridge   Cha-Ching....back to ebay I went to buy the scoring blade.

I have to mention that in my quick jump to purchase TBBM2, I've only made one project from it.   I did purchase the scoring blade and tried to use it for another project that I really messed up.  The whole project was a big mess since I didn't know what I was doing with the tool and I was trying to use  my Gypsy and blah, blah blah....the score blade was thrown in a drawer and it would be been really helpful if I had Kimberly's scoring video back then. 

Like most of the tutorial's I bring you each week, I like to give them a try myself but thanks to Mr. Strep Throat and Ms. Ear Infection running ramped though my house this week, I didn't have the time....Sigh.   Anyways, we're all on the mend here, the crafting block has been lifted so next week I hope to have a project to share. 

I hope you take the time to head over to  My Craft Spot to check out more of Kimberly's projects.

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  1. Thanks saving this for when my scorer arrives. I have my cart so ready to go.

  2. Thanks Holly for coming through with that video tutorial...well done and I'm having a great time making them!
    Creative Wishes,

  3. Thamk you for taking your time and sharing this tutorial.I purchased TBBM2 and blade but had a Lil issue with understanding.Now I do not.I am going to practice.TFS

  4. Thanks for featuring my tutorial, Holly!

  5. Thank you so much for the tutorial on the TBBM2 tea cup. This is one of my fave carts and I have been having so much fun with it. I have not made the tea cup yet, so I'm excited to do this cut and the tips will help tremendously I'm sure. THANKS AGAIN!


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