
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday Tutorial with FCCB....Shaped Cards

Welcome to Thursday Tutorial with FCCB.   Have you ever seen really unique shaped cards and wondered how they made them?   You may of said to yourself  "I don't have a Gypsy" or "I have that cartridge but it doesn't have a card function"  How'd they do it.....hmmm??

Well, here's the secret!  Abby posted this tutorial at the The Paper Variety on how to make shaped cards which can basically be designed out of any shape cut from a Cricut cartridge that has a blackout or shadow function. 

I learned this little secret a while ago.  I do use my Gypsy a lot to weld shapes together but it does take some thought.  The shape needs be flipped and lined up correctly in order to make an even fold but sometimes, the shape you want to use really can't be welded properly.

I made this Basket Full of Eggs card using the shadow function from Doodlecharms since the shape of the basket would make for a hard weld.

Here's what the inside of my card looks like by using the shadow function key, scoring for a flap and adhering together.  Easy Peasy!

Hope this shaped card tutorial inspires you to make your own unique shaped cards.  Maybe for our Egg-ceptional challenge this week?  The only limit is your imagination.

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  1. Love this tutorial! Seems so easy, yet why didn't I think of it? LOL! Great job Abby and thanks for sharing Holly.

  2. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could kiss you! I had the same question of how is everybody doing this! I can't thank you enough and I am making a bee line after this message is written to my craft room..I just may fall in love with my cricut. Thank you for giving me enthusiam!!!!

  3. What a lovely card and it appears so easy. Am going to give it a try this weekend. Thank you.

  4. Great tutorial, I've always had to weld my together with the Gypsy, this is sooo much simplier, thanks!!!

  5. Thanks for this.As I have many cartridges I will have a plethora of designs to chose from.
    Thanks again.

  6. Excellent video. Great job Holly!

  7. I did it, I freakin did it!!!! I am submitting it to this weeks FCCB challenge and taking out the one already there in case you can't submitt 2...thank you!

  8. Thank you so much for the video. You have helped me so much. I also needed the Shape Cards for Dummies explanation. Now I understand.

  9. Thank you so much! The tutorial was simple and easy to follow. Create a Critter is the first one that came to mind to try this out with; I will try one now. Thanks a million :)

  10. This one of the best shaped card tutorial inspires you to make your own unique shaped cards. Everything is perfect in this card. I will try to make it.

  11. Love these!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Holy moley! You're a genius! I could just hug you right now!! Thanks!!!


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