
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday Tutorial - Cricut Markers

Hi All,
It's Sheila here again with another Thursday Tutorial.
Have you used your cricut marks much? I have them, but I haven't used them yet.
I think they can give you a rather cool effect on your projects.
Melody, from MelodyLaneDesigns, has a video tutorial showing how they are used and how to use them.

I believe using these markers could add another dimension to you cards, scrapbook pages or whatever you are making. I'm going to give it a try.
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  1. Just got these from Memory Miser; thanks for the video!!

  2. Thanks for showing my video. I will soon have a video on the new gel pens too.

  3. Melody, thank you for this video! I really appreciate this info because the markers add so much to the Cricut cuts! I haven't tried using the markers with the E2, but your video makes it look so easy!

  4. Cool tutorial-look forward to trying the markers in my cricut


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