
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spotlight Sunday!

Howdy there and a good Sunday to you!  

To those that have been watching snow fall for days, I hope you are all safe and snug in you toasty homes sipping hot coco! Today we have another fun treat to meet!  Marcia, from Marcia's Memories is no stranger to our Top 5 Challenges, as a matter a fact she has EIGHT under her crafty belt! She has been crafting with her Cricut for around 5 years and has some pretty special techniques and style that really makes her stand out!  Look at these projects that landed her a spot on the Top 5 this year alone! 

She has a real knack at executing 3-D cards and projects!  They are amazing, just works of art!  Check out a few that are just stunning! 

Marcia's layouts are just amazing, with a sweet little grandson that has captured her heart, how could she not allow him to be her muse for creating some spectacular layouts!

Now let's meet this amazing crafter! 

1. When did you start scrapbooking/paper crafting and why?  I started about 5 years ago when my husband bought me my first Cricut machine.  I have always loved to craft, but never delved into it seriously until then.  Now, I have three Cricut machines and a craft room full of supplies!  Although, it doesn’t always happen, I try to make time to create something new at least twice per week
2. What is your favorite type of project to make (i.e., cards, layouts, mini-albums, etc....)?  My favorite projects to make are cards that are personalized for family and friends, but my main focus right now is completing a scrapbook for my grandson.  I also love to make 3D and interactive cards, home décor, and banners.
3. What is your favorite product to use on your projects?  I love to embellish!  Whether it is to add gems, ribbon, lace, glitter,or embossing; I never end a project with out some sort of bling!  Adding dimension with pop dots is also one of my favorite techniques.
4. What is your favorite Cricut cartridge?  It is so hard to pick a favorite, but right now, I would have to pick “A Child’s Year” and “Suburbia.”  I love the look of the silhouette images and they work wonderfully on both cards and scrapbook layouts.
5. What do you do in your spare time, when you are not paper crafting?  When I am not crafting, I am helping out my Mom.  She is getting on in years and is a very independent woman, but it is a joy for me to spend time with her.  I also make time to visit my grandson, Maddix, whenever possible.  He is the light of my life and we always have a wonderful time together.  Since I no longer work outside the home, it is still gratifying to be able to make our house a home.  I love to cook and have a nice meal on the table when my husband gets home from a long day, and I always make time to help out whenever I am needed.

To get everyone in the mood for spring, here are some great springtime inspirations I spied on! 

Marcia, from Marcia's Memories is just a treat to explore and learn more about making 3-D cards and projects. She has it down and really showcases how those extra folds and layers take paper crafting to a whole new level of elegance and suburb workmanship (or should I say workwomanship)! Be sure to head over and be inspired and say HI
Before signing off, I wanted to leave you with this last clever project I found that just had to be shared!    

Until Next Week! 
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