
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Monday, March 10, 2014

FCCB#201 Sketch Challenge

Welcome to another Challenge Me Monday...

 Happy Monday and welcome to another Monday challenge!

Challenge #201 Sketch Challenge

This Weeks Sponsor
Newton's Nook Designs
$15 Gift Certificate

~Design Team Inspiration~

Guest Designer: Mayra Hernandez
Ribbons & Rosettes

Winter Lace, Creative Memories Devine Weddings, Imagine Yummy, Calligraphy Cart

Give a Hoot and Accent Essentials

Slumber Party

George and Basic Shapes

Kate's ABC's

Simply Charmed

George & Basic Shapes, Birthday Bash

Create a Critter, Art Philosophy

Close To My Heart Art Philosophy

Ro Donner
Create A Critter 2 and Cricut Craft Room Basics

Jilliene Designs
Cricut imagine Cartridge - Word of Mouth

Create a Critter & Plantin Schoolbook

~This Weeks Challenge~
Sketch Challenge
Create a project using the following sketch:

This sketch is from the now defunct Card Positioning Systems.

To qualify for the prize, be sure to use at least 1 Cricut cut on your project and if it's not obvious, let us know what cartridge you used.

post signature


Thank you for taking the time to share your comments. We hope you were inspired today. Please note: all posts are monitored and show up after approved.