
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scrappin Saturday

Welcome to Scrappin Saturday!

Did everybody survive Blogger's downtime yesterday? It's amazing how much I missed being able to leave coments and access my blog!

Can we say withdrawal?

Anyway, now everything is back to to normal, let's discuss something I know I am excited about and that's.....drumroll please....

The Cricut Craft Room!

If you haven't heard about this, grab some pop corn and then watch the video and sit back and enjoy!

It's FREE after registering at!

I have to admit that for me this sounds so enticing. I didn't invest in the Gypsy because of the small screen and my old eyes! Just not the best combination I have to admit! Now I will have the features of the Gypsy but on my lap top! woo hoo! Now the only question I have is WHEN? When will they make it available ...I'm soooooooooo excited, and did I mention it's FREE! :)

I would love to hear what you think about the Cricut Craft Room, please leave a comment and let us know your opinion!
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  1. I have the gypsy & love it!!! The screen is a bit small & i's sometimes hard for me to find certain images. I like the idea of the crafty room because it appear to be all in color & the screen will be a lot bigger. I just hope it has the same features as the gypsy, like the hide feature. That is one of my favorite things about the gypsy, then I can use those adorable PKS faces!!!

  2. That's a good point. I do have a Gypsy but it is pretty tiny to look at. Working on my desktop or lap top will be easier for the eyes!

  3. I too love my Gypsy!!! And I have DS which I haven't used b/c it's just not that friendly to used....I think the Cricut Craft Room will do what I want it to do....if it's like the Gypsy than I know I will love it...thank you for sharing this...I hope it will be available soon....

  4. When When When is it going to happen. I am really looking forward to this. I bought a new 17" Lap Top to really enjoy it.????

  5. Does Craft Room simply replace Design Studio? I've gotten pretty adept at DS and love the "hide contour" feature, so wonder what specific advantages there are.

  6. So dissapointing to watch the video but then be denied access to the site...but a big thankyou for posting the info as I have been considering purchasing a gypsy just so I can weld to make shape cards. Hopefully i wont need to now and can buy more carts instead...

  7. I do have the Gypsy but I CAN'T WAIT for the Craft Room! I like seeing things in color and bigger so this is something I will probably use ALOT! Thanks for showing the video.

  8. I am looking forward to my E2 becoming WIFI and hope that I can cut without hooking up to my computer. I love my Gypsy and carry it around with me and my magnifying glass LOL. The craft room really sounds like something that I would take advantage of using.


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