
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday's Tutorial: Melon Cards

Good Morning Fantabulous Friends! Happy Thursday to you. I hope this week has been a fun one for you. It's been one crazy thing after another for me. Doctor's appointment, eye doctor's appointment, fell down at doctor's appointment and threw myself into a horrible flare. My knees are bruised, twisted one of 'em and cut and bled through my favorite leggings. :p Now, doc insists I have carpal tunnel syndrome (hmm... wonder why that would be? Did I mention I was online til around 2 last night? :p) and I have to go back for testing and X-Rays on my shoulder! Eesh! I would so much have rather stayed home in bed yesterday and worked on all my crafting, but NO... had to venture out in the world and see what happens? LOL That's why my craft room is my haven!

Now I know this all had absolutely nothing to do with today's tutorials, but I figured I'd share a little about my week with you anyways. I hope you all don't mind. In the future, if you want to skip my ramblings and go straight to the tutorial, feel free to do so. :0)

For today I decided to stick with our theme of the week "Melons"! Well not only did I find one cute tutorial on making a melon card, I found two that I want to share with you today. I just couldn't choose so without further ado here they are!

The first one comes to us from the amazingly talented Momo - Made by Momo. She has a ton of great video tutorials on her blog so be sure to check them out! This is just one of many, but I thought it was perfect for this week's theme.

The next video is another adorable melon card brought to us by Sarah - Pink Cricut. I'm sure you all know who both of these ladies are, but please stop by their blogs and tell them we sent you. You'll find some great things while you're there!

Well there you have it folks! Another fun Thursday's Tutorial session. I hope you enjoyed these videos and picked up some inspiration. You still have time to enter our challenge! Don't forget, we love to hear from you so please leave your comments and suggestions.

XO ~ Amy Jo
FCCB Coordinator
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  1. Awww...thank you for posting this. It was one of my very first cricut cards and videos!! It's so fun to look back!

  2. So CUTE and I love the shape and the colors :-)

  3. Sorry you are having such a hard time!! I can so relate as I have Fribo, Lupus and RA and in a flare myself. Like you I'd like to hide in bed/house and not venture out! LOL The melon cards are adorable! Thanks for sharing them with us!! I pray for better days ahead for you.

  4. Thanks A Melon! Love tutorial they do get the creative juices flowing :) Thanks for sharing :D


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