
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Adhere Twine

Welcome back to another Quick Tip Tuesday!
Are you a twine fanatic?  Well, this tip is for you! 
Here's a video from CrazyAboutCricut showing different tips on how to adhere twine.

I hope this tip was helpful to you. 
I will see you next Tuesday with another Quick Tip! 

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  1. Whoo hoo! Thanks for sharing my video!

    Jenny ~Crazy About Cricut

  2. I love using Glubbers for make the round twine flowers. I find they work really well.

  3. Love your suggestions for using twine and the proper adhesive. I use my ATG gun to adhere my twine. I do however really like the liquid glue from scotch, I'll need to keep my eye open for that next time i'm shopping ;)

  4. It's a good try at the video tutorial, but I was so side tracked at the interpretation of the words on the screen that I couldn't watch the video very well, lol


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