
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday Tutorial - Cutting Fabric

Happy Thursday!
It's Cicily, the Thursday Tutorial gal & today I want to share some ideas on cutting fabric with your Cricut. I have yet to try this (It's been a little insane, but now I really want to after checking all these out!).
The first up is a video.
It's an oldie but goodie.
After starting it I realized I had seen this a while back, so maybe some of you have too.

If a video isn't your thing or you want another option, here's a great step by step & look how cute this onsie is!

If you've used your Cricut to cut fabric, leave us a comment with how it went, any tips or even a link back to your blog. We'd love to check it out.
Thanks for checking out the Thursday Tutorial,

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  1. I have not tried this nor have I seen the video. Great suggestions...(really appreciate the painters' tape tip) in fact, I have a friend who is due to have her baby any day now and this is giving me some ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have cut fabric with the cricut. The two best pieces of advice I have are make sure you have a new blade and to tape the edges of the fabric to the cricut mat to make extra sure the fabric stays in place. Thanks for the resources.

  3. I just recently cut fabric with the Cricut. It cut PERFECTLY! I used the heat and bond ultra and ironed it to my fabric. I cut it with the fabric on top and the heat and bond ultra on the bottom, I put scotch tape around the edges and put my speed on 3, pressure on 5(high) and used the regular blade cut to 5. It was very easy to do and has held up after many washes. It was a polka dotted Mickey Mouse head that I ironed on to a pink onesie and then I sewed on a bow ;)


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