
Past Challenges #1 - #178

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Quick Tip Tuesday

Hello! And Welcome to another Quick Tip Tuesday! This is Emily from Mollie's Motif and today I wanted to bring to you some Cricut Setting Cheat Sheets!  Ever have those days when it doesn't matter what you try, you are cutting/re-cutting/wasting/cursing/cutting and cutting some more just trying to figure out how to get that "perfect" cut? Well, I went to Pinterest and found a bunch of cheat sheets for the different settings you can use for different materials, that I thought I would just put here in one place for you.  Hopefully, one of these cheats will save you from a crafting day of frustration :)

cricut settings..this is good idea to tape to your cricut machine
From Obsessed with Scrapbooking (thank you to one of our readers for letting us know!)

Cricut Setting Cheat Sheet | Cricut Cutting Guide by sydnie.shaffer
Pinned From on Pinterest but originally posted on Around the blog with Scrapalette

Great Guide for Cricut Settings by Kathy626
Straight from

Have a fabulous week!!!

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  1. The table you couldn't find the origins for looks like this one from Obsessed With Scrapbooking:

  2. Thank you, Emily, for the cheat sheets. I pinned your post for a quick and easy reference guide! : ) Christine

  3. The second chart is mine. I shared it on the old Cricut MB several years ago. Could you please link to my blog and not to the person who copied it and pinned it? Thanks!

  4. Thank you so much for letting us know where the origins of the pins came from - sometimes it's so hard to tell on Pinterest! And thank you to the DT member who updated the post - I really appreciate it!!!



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