One thing I love about the newest Cricut cartridge booklets is that there is a small picture of the keypad on each page that shows which button to use for the image.
Even though the Gyspy and the new Expression 2 have each keypad built in, I find I still refer to my booklets
A LOT, especially for the images found on the feature keys.
Once I decide on an image in the book, I want an easy way to locate that image on the keypad. And for those of use happily using our senior citizen discounts, those images are often difficult to see on the virtual keypads on the G and E2.
I've read about several ways to cross-reference the books and keypads - here's how I do it:
There are 50 image buttons - 5 rows of 10 buttons. So, I think of the ROWS as A, B, C, D, E
and the buttons as 1-10 in each row.
When I first get a new cartridge, I label each page in the book A1, A2, etc., B1, B2, etc. matching the keypad buttons to the pages. For the shape, lite, and seasonal cartridges the buttons are in the order of the pages.
It just makes it so much easier when you've chosen an image in the middle of the book to know that, "oh, that image is D6" (because you've written that in your book) rather than looking at the small, sometimes obscure looking images on the keypad.
This method comes in especially handy with some of the font cartridges because the books are in ABC order, but the keypad is in standard keyboard order (QWERTY). So, although the first image page in your book is an A, the button you need is CI. It just makes finding the right buttons so much quicker when you're using your book.
If you rely on your books like I do, I hope you'll find this system helpful.
Hugs and Happy Crafting,