I'm so excited to tell you about a blog that is entirely
DEVOTED to tutorials.
When I visited this blog I was in "Tutorial Heaven"
Meet Pam Ramesh and her wonderful blog called The Bug Bytes.
Pam has a whopping 25 designers who have posted tutorials on video, with the Cricut, Gypsy, Design Studio, and more. If you are looking for ways to make new projects this is the blog for you.
Pictured on this post are just some of the beautiful projects created by the Bug Bytes designers.
For Video Tutorials click HERE
For Gypsy Files click HERE
For DS Files click HERE
Please be sure to visit The Bug Bytes and tell them that you spotted their work today at FCCB.
I hope you enjoyed today's Thursday's Tutorial.
If you have an idea that you would like to share for
future Thursday's Tutorials please email me at:
Have a Creative Day!

What a fantastic blog!!