I am constantly searching the web for tips to share but I want to find ones that will truly help you out in your scrappy life and I think this one will do just that. Do you ever have trouble matching up watch in your Cricut cartridge catalouge to whats on the little rubber mat? If so, this tips for you. I found this weeks tip over at Creative Ideas, they have loads of amazing tips for cricut users here.
Here is this weeks tip along with a video link:
"I don’t know about you, but when I use my Cricut, I always pull out the booklet to choose which image to cut; however, when I finally make my decision it can take some time (well – a few seconds can feel like an hour!) to find the correct button on the overlay. When I’m using the Cricut with my daughter or I have a lot of different cuts to make, this can get very frustrating. If you are using the Cricut Expression, the image will appear on the screen so you have a chance to change your selection before your cut. The original Cricut does not have an LCD screen so sometimes you can accidentally cut the wrong image. I number the rows and columns of the images on the overlay and cross-reference them into the booklet (1A, 1B, 1C, etc.). This makes it much easier to find the correct button on the machine.
I also tear out the pages in the booklet that I don’t need such as the instructions in other languages. The slimmer booklet is easier to store and it cuts down on the squeaky noise the pages make when you turn them. To me, it sounds like nails on a chalkboard – yikes!"
Here is the link to the You Tube Video A definate must see!!!
Hope you all find this weeks tip useful and remember to please email me your fantabulous tips to me to be featured in a Quick Tip Tuesday post here!
Happy Scrappin

Great idea about tearing out the pages we dont need on the booklets...I will be doing that this week. I like to organize something every week and this will be my next project, thanks for this idea Tammy.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the Creative Ideas site with us. I'm always looking for websites geared toward the Cricut.