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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Quick Tip Tuesday: Homemade Quick Stick

Oops, it happened again. I scheduled this post over a week ago since I was out of state for 5 days. It went from "scheduled" to "draft". Aaaackkkk, sometimes Blogger just wants me to know that I am not in charge.
So, I guess late is better than not at all . . .
Happy Tuesday, Everyone. I wanted to give big Cricut hugs to Jennie, Carissa, and Kate. These fellow DT members have helped me by posting quick tips for the past several weeks. I so appreciate their help and, most of all, their fantabulous tips! Thanks, gals.
Today's tip actually comes from a video that Jennie put me onto. I watched the video made by Linda at The Paper Boutique and decided to share her idea for making a homemade Quick Stick - that neat little sticky tool that helps you pick up tiny pieces to place on your projects. Here's what Linda suggests:
You'll need a stylus, or you can use the end of a paintbrush, and double-sided tape.

Wrap the end of the stylus with a small piece of the double-sided tape.

There you go! You can pick up the tiniest dot and place it on your project. Then, just remove the tape and reapply the next time you need a Quick Stick.
Thanks, Jennie, for sharing Linda's link. I really like this idea. I seem to get the sticky stuff from the actual Quick Stick everywhere but on the end of the stick LOL!

Hugs and Happy Crafting,
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  1. Your idea is so close to one I have used for years. I use and old stylus and made a small ball of Quake Hold (it is like a clay) and stuck it on the end of the stylus. After the clay gets a little old ( mine lasted a long time) just replace it with another small ball. My kids use this for picking up small things that have dropped into places that they can't reach. Regina

  2. Awesome idea! TFS.

  3. Another GREAT idea especially when working with teeny tiny paper pieces.

    Barb from Toronto, Canada


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