Good mourning everyone! Angie from Angie's Paper Passion here again with another quick tip. This one just may save your Cricut machine! Do you remember when you got your Cricut? I bet that you were so excited that you tore into that box and starting taking all of your new goodies out, plugging cords in, and trying to figure out what to cut first and how. I bet you weren't worried about all that cardboard and packaging that came with your Cricut, did you? Nope, didn't think so!
Well, does this image jog your memory?
Now do you remember those two pieces of cardboard that were inside your
Cricut when you first opened it?
Did you throw them away? Most people did also so don't feel too bad about it. But what many people don't know is that we all should have saved them! They should always be put back into your Cricut whenever you are traveling with it - even to a crop! They protect the blade housing from being jostled back and forth (or side to side, I guess!) and possibly getting damaged. But do not worry if you have absolutely no idea where those cardboard pieces are. The next time that you get ready to pack up your Cricut to go somewhere, just grab 2 lengths of bubble wrap, roll them up, and place them on each side of the blade housing. Just remember when moving the housing, the Cricut should be unplugged and you should take care and move it slowly.
This is a great tip to pass along to any new Cricut machine owners that you may know or meet, too. Just tell them to not be so quick to throw everything away after they open their Cricut box. I knew a woman once who got so excited about her new machine that she just threw most of what was in the box away without checking. Well, she ended up throwing away the actual blade and blade holder!!! (That was an expensive mistake!)
So go find some bubble wrap, get it ready, and keep it handy for the next time you and Cricut go on a trip together to create!
Don't forget to come back and join us here at FCCB tomorrow for Wednesday's Winners!
Until next time, Happy Crafting!